For a lifetime of movement that is pain free and liberating

yoga physical therapy

Do you want to avoid injury


feel more capable?

sports injury volleyball

Do you want to feel less restricted by pain and discomfort?

How we work

Schedule an evaluation

Enliven Movement is here to support you to get better and stay better. During the initial evaluation, we assess every aspect of what could be contributing to your pain and discomfort to diagnose the root cause and identify any additional underlying factors. Taking full inventory, together we develop a personalized plan of care with you to establish specific goals and a timeline for your healing and recovery.

Mend the core problem

We highly value giving time and attention to treat the core problem…not just the symptoms. We provide 1:1 personalized care utilizing manual therapy and exercise to educate you on your movement IQ and optimize your rehabilitation.

Get back in action!

Your goals are our goals - we want to do everything we can to get you back to doing what you love even better than before! We love to see our clients progress, succeed, and walk out the door more equipped and knowledgable than when they started.